Friday 30 September 2011

Task 1b: Web 2.0

Before the Course Reader 1B, I have never heard of Web 2.0, which is weird, as I have been using sights using this Technology since I was about 11, like Bebo.

After reading more about Web 2.0 I started to get a very negative out look on it. It made me think about how children now will lie about their ages to access these websites (as my sister has done this at age 10), that all our personal information is so easily accessible to anyone and that we now feel its something we can't seem to live without, as the stats show in the Reader an incredible amount of people are on Facebook. I know that I am constantly checking my News Feed, do we need to be so nosey?

Also, things like letters, emails and phone calls, will the soon be illuminated because of Web 2.0. What will happen to our primal communication skills?

I feel Web 2.0 is making the new generation of kids less educated as they don't have to do as much thinking, soon we won't need our brains, all we'll need is a click of a finger.

Another big thing for me was that when the bombing in Germany happened a few months ago, the police found the guys Facebook account which helped them find his plans. For obvious reasons, this is a massive help, but for everyone else who is using it innocently, do we still have privacy?

In most cases Web 2.0 is very helpful as it does help us to interact with friends and relatives across the world, mostly for free. This information is also instantly accessible, making sure we don't have to wait for anything if it is an urgent matter. The fact that it does 'suggest' things you may 'like' keeps us up to date with new added context to the Web. There is a setting on my phone which communicates to me when someone has posted a comment, sent me a message or invited me to something, which is good as I can keep up to date with people.

In conclusion, I feel Web 2.0 has both its negatives and positives. I look forward to seeing how it progresses and where it will lead us in the future.


  1. Hi Eithne
    I feel you are an earthy person by the look of your blog page. I love your slide show. I like your fresh, natural outdoors pictures and your love of colours and nature. Very nice to watch.

  2. Some interesting thoughts on the positive and negatives. I think that every thing has positives and negatives because this is determined by how you use something. (A bat can be used to play cricket or to hit someone over the head!) The thing is learning about things and using them for a purpose. Looks like you have started to do this. I think its always good to look at the interaction of things in order to understand them.

  3. I have yet to add any further thoughts on Web 2.0 but I do agree with you Eithne. There are many benefits to technology but we are constantly losing privacy and relying more and more on technology and using our brains less. I even heard some kids talking to each other in "text" language today. I also think schools will have to re-design and update I.C.T curriculums to allow for the developments. But in the end we do have a choice. We don't have to have a facebook account but because it has become such a good way to connect with friends and promote oneself (in terms of business)it seems daft not to, but, we still have the choice.

  4. Hey Eithne!

    I love your arguments on Web 2.0, You seem to be on the same path as me. It has its benefits but also it has its downside. Jess, do we really have a choice? with technology so quickly moving forward, we do everything we can to keep up with it. ie have the latest phone, publish pictures on facebook. How much would you hate it right now if someone said to you there is no more facebook or any social networking sites. Especially to all those people who have moved from their home town to London and keep in touch with friends via facebook. However, people will become lazier and use sites like this and take them for granted, like during the riots a few weeks ago! I think we are constantly being moved forward with technology and dont always have a choice (even my grandparents have mobiles now).


  5. Do you think Web 2:0 has changed they way we think about each other?

  6. Yes lisa, all that is advertised with phones know is how easy it is to access social networking sites. They are all free with smart phones too..!!

  7. I think yes it has changed how we feel about eachother, the fact that as humans we are very suspicious I know that I can get quite jelous of other girls on my boyfriends status' or comments, because you can't tell the way people are saying it. Also, because girls in this day think its attractive to have a profile picture with their boobs out, at a first sight, I take a judgement on them. Also we feel we always have to look pretty in pictures, why is this? why do I need approval of myself, from other people?
