Sunday 4 December 2011


On Monday the 28th of November I went to Pineapple to do Shanie's Advanced Jazz Class.

This was the first time I had ever done a class at Pineapple and it was so much fun. At first I was a little intimidated because I was the only person who didn't know the hour long set warm-up but I just made sure I was at the front so I could watch everyone else. About 3/4 of the way through the warm up my vision started to go and I felt really faint and had to sit down. I felt a bit silly because of this, but I thought it was a safer option rather than fainting in the middle of the room!! After this we did some brief kicks and turns which I would have happily carried on with but we quickly moved onto a routine.

It was a commercial style routine which is my weakest form of dance. After going through the dance I started to feel a lot more confident. By the end of the 3 hour class I was absolutely shattered. My brain could hardly remember the routine as I was so tired.

The day after I was aching so much but I am so glad I did it as I proved to myself that I am still fit and can pick up routines quickly which is needed for auditions.

I would recommend this class to anyone who is confident at dance and at only £9.50 I think it was a bargain for the 3 hours.


Sunday 27 November 2011

Task 3c: Sources of Information

5 of my most important sources of information include:

- Facebook
- Twitter
- Google
- Wikipedia
- YouTube

As we can see, all these sources are Internet based. I believe the internet is the best place for information as people across the world are constantly updating and improving the information provided. 'Google' is one of the biggest and fastest ways to source information. For example, I just searched 'Dance' in the search bar, and after 0.21 seconds I was presented with 1,880,000,000 results. Google: Dance. Although some of the information on the Internet can be misleading and sometimes wrong, if you do enough research on the chosen subject, you can start to recognise what is useful. This can be said for Wikipedia as it is an ever growing Web 2.0 site in which the reader can update any of the information provided if they feel its wrong or they have something to add to it. YouTube is less of a networking site but more a place to improve and grow as a performer. I know if I want to buy a new song, you can nearly always find a video of someone singing it on YouTube, which helps me to connect to the song and its performance style. One website that shows a link to the performance's is Although the Sheet Music can be expensive, they are always fairly new and unknown songs, which gives you an edge in auditions as the Casting Directors will always ask you a bit about the song.

Being on social networking sites has really improved my Networking. On Facebook they are developing pages in which we can 'Follow" peoples pages, say for example a Casting Director. This means that without having to be 'friends' with them we can still access the information they are providing. This is very much how twitter works. One Casting Director who is famous for this is "Debbie O'Brien. She has set up both a Facebook and Twitter account for performers to follow, where she will let us know about any Open auditions she is holding. Here is the Link to her Twitter Page if anyone is interested in Following her @DobCasting.

I think one way I could improve on my Social Networking is going to see a few more shows. I need to work a lot to pay for my rent, fee's, travel, food and personal items which never gives me much money to go and see shows. Networking at show's is a massive help as you can later talk to them on the different Social Networking Sites. For example, if you search them on Twitter and them send them a message saying 'Hi, was really good meeting you earlier. Well Done for the show,' they are more likely to remember you.

In conclusion, I believe it is down to what the individuals needs are. Some people benefit from Library's, others from socialising. Nothing is wrong and everything can be useful for personal development.

Monday 14 November 2011

Peel Audition - Monday 14th of November

Today was my Third audition for For the Audition we had to prepare a Musical Standard and a contrast, and if we were successful we would go through to do a dance and acting rounds.

As this was my third audition for them, I thought I may have been in for more of a chance...but apparently not. They only seemed to be taking the 'Singers' and not the "Singer/Dancers.'

I don't think I'm going to audition for them again because I feel let down every time. A few of my friends work for the company so I don't understand why they don't seem to like me.

I'm still glad I went as we got to sing on the 'Thriller' West End Stage today, (The Lyric) which was absolutely amazing. What's on at The Lyric...

I think in the future I could be a little more confident, but I know I always try my hardest at auditions, so it must be look and height over talent (: xx

Sunday 13 November 2011

Task 3b: Theories Relating to Networking

The Extract from Axelrod, R and his theory up on the Game ‘Prisoner’s Dilemma’ is something I have never considered, Prisoner's Dilemma Game. At first, I didn’t understand the link as I either kept winning, or I would equal the ‘other player.’ After reading on I realized that, that was the whole point. In every day life, we have to think about wether we want to cooperate, disagree or exploit the other person/people we are conversing with, ‘When should a person cooperate, and when should a person be selfish, in an ongoing interaction with another person.?’ I can think of many different situations where this has happened to me, for example, at work when someone called in sick, I was asked by my manager to stay later and close the bar, say I was busy, I could have refused and not stayed but instead I ‘cooperated’ with him and agreed to stay later. Say it had been someone I didn’t like and didn’t want to work with, I probably would have refused.

This connects with ‘Affiliation,’ as humans with personalities, we tend to connect with some people better than others, it’s normally not anything personal, its just a clash of our different personalities. Hofstede (1980) proposes that this may also vary between different cultures. I agree with this, as a little while ago I got spat on by an Asian man. I was just sat listening to my iPod while waiting for the train to come, and because it was a hot day, I was wearing a skirt. This obviously offended him, enough for him to spit on me. In his culture, this is accepted by women, but after I confronted him he backed down, not enough to apologize but enough to walk away from me. Unknowingly, this showed me that clearly we did not cooperate in the way I dressed and that he was out to exploit me as being something I am not. If we were in the same profession, this clearly shows, that as we have different acceptances, we would have no cooperated, and therefore not become networked in a positive manor.

Larson, Csikszentmihalyi and Grief (l982) say that ‘adolescents spent about 75 per cent of their waking time with other people’ and that with teens, they are a lot happier when socially active. This is something I can totally agree with. Whilst working hard doing this course and then doing my Bar work, I haven’t seen my friends in a social situation for a few weeks. To any working adult, they would probably say ‘thats life’ but I know I work harder and can keep up with my work after a night out with friends, or just a phone call. Having that interaction and connection with other people, I believe is crucial, as it is a way to relax and reflect on whats happening with your life. Gunnar (2000) also links children raised in an orphanage with the inability to cope with stress. Clearly the lack of love and interaction cause’s them to think they have to deal with everything them selves instead of letting out their feelings.

Altman (1975) altercates that our levels of privacy (as apposed to sociability) can waver over time, even in the space of a few hours. I can connect with this as one minute I can be really enjoying a class, and say someone takes my place in the mirror, I will be less willing to be cooperative with that person in the future. Optimization is another social interaction technique we use, this is where we will try and coordinate our chosen level of contact with our actual level of contact within the social situations. Say you are being interviewed and there are too many people asking questions, you will feel crowded and there for want to move away, or if you are home along, you feel isolated and that no-one is thinking about you. These different processes of thought are subjective to the different situations we are in and the moods we may be at that given time. I know that when I was at college, sometimes sitting in the over crowed ‘Common Room’ wasn’t for me, so I would try and find somewhere quieter to think or speak to someone. These different levels of contact happen to us all the time and going back to cooperation, it is wether or not we are in the right mood to accept or refuse the situation.

Social Constuctionism to me is something I feel very strongly on. It explains that humans create meanings of the world through unique and individual experience and I think this is true. What I connect a word with may be completely different to someone else, but that is only because of the different experiences we have had. Often finding someone with the same experiences leads to social connection and stronger networking, this is the reason why we connect with some people better than others.

Connectivism is something I don’t really understand, I talks about learning and the networks in a system in which we can interact to learn...but isn’t that was networking is all about? Being able to learn and evolve from different people and being to grow ourselves in order to teach and inform others on our knowledge? Gonzalez (2004) says that the knowlegde of what is known is doubling every 18th months which is making things obsolete. Clearly if things are becoming more advanced, that is a good thing, we don’t need to keep hold of the ‘out of date’ theories or technologies, when we have the resources to carry on making improvements.

Gredler (2001) also brings up a good theory upon learning, these are the three beliefs;
Observable behaviour is more important than understanding internal activities
Behaviour should be focused on simple elements: specific stimuli and responses
Learning is about behaviour change
All these show that learning is more about how someone reacts and improves, making sure they understand, than about the amount of knowledge told. This show how far we have come in terms of accepting the different ways in which people learn and process different information. The way you are taught at school or college can have a massive impact on your social abilities. As I was bullied, I know I used to find it hard to be friends with people, but due to help and more interaction within Dance, I was able to be more confident and therefore more able to network.

Communities of Practice, I feel, are a great way to socially bond with people. There are so many different types of communities. For example, my mum is in a rowing team, this is then connected to the county team, which compete against the world and she now has connections in Holland, where the world championships is held every year. The fact that we can network with people across the world through advanced technology makes it all worth while. People from all different backgrounds can communicate and keep in contact with each other over the internet.

Task 3a: Current Networks

One big part of my Networking is my Computer. Different Web 2.0 applications such as Facebook, Twitter, Blog and YouTube have really expanded the way in which we can communicate and ‘get to know’ people. To keep these things personal and private I have set up two different accounts for my Facebook. One is my personal, so nearly all of my childhood friends with pictures of me and my friends. My other is my professional profile, and this is the one I try and use the most. I am friends with nearly everyone in my college and who I’ve met since leaving. I also have a few of my teacher on there so I can keep up to date with any information they might have. I feel it has really benefited me having the two accounts as I can keep everything separated. Also, when I add professional people, I don’t want them seeing Photos of me in fancy dress or out socializing with my friends, I’d rather them just see my professional photos. Seeing as there are more than 800 million active users on FaceBook, also more than 350 million active users currently useing Facebook on their mobiles, I consider this one of the biggest and most popular sites. EithneBryan's Professional FaceBook. Casting Call Pro is another amazing way to network, although it is a way to get jobs, I know that I can view different peoples ‘CV’s’ and vise-versa. I have sent my CV off to many different directors, who may not cast you in something straight away but will always keep different people in mind.

Something I always am doing is Networking at Auditions. If I speak to people at an audition I always try and add them on Facebook. This lets me keep up to date with what their doing, if they know of any auditions. I feel as a performer the more people you know, the better, seeing as I nearly always see the same people at Auditions, you may as well keep in contact with them and start learning peoples names.

Another tool in my iPhone. This really benifits me when I’m out and about as I can keep informed on new jobs or auditions via email. Being able to have them at the palm of your hand is such a big help.

Some more established practitioners, I know, have their own websites. This then has different things set up like ‘Email Updates.’ This is a great way for people to network as they can send out information about different shows, gigs, tours ect. One person I know does this is Kerry Ellis. She has a mailing list, an online registration to become a member, links to her web 2.0 pages and alot of information about herself so people ‘get to know’ her.

Every professional who has made it in the industry will have key networking skills. Everyone has a motive weather it be to get in a show, therefore networking with the director or cast so you already have a relationship when entering a casting, finding cast members or just to gain a bigger fan base. When networking, you have to be very careful with what you say, as to not offend people, thats why when people ‘make it’ they tend to let other people in charge of keeping their sites and Web 2.0 applications up to date.

My ideal Network would be something similar to Twitter (@EithneeeB). This is such a good networking tool as you can follow whoever you want to, they don’t have to accept you as a friend like Facebook. I know that it does cause some stir as some people view is as ‘Stalking’ as there is a feature where you can update your exact ‘Location.’ With this if the wrong person was to follow you, you could end up getting in trouble. As a performer I think this is the best networking sight as I follow many different Dirctors and shows which help me stay current with whats going on. Some people I follow include;
-Debbie O'Brien, who is a big casting director.
- Shoor DHS Models, Who are a model Agency
- Luke Kempner, Performer in the 25th Anniversary of Les Miserables
As you can see, these are all very different profiles but they are all key to my networking.

One thing I think I could to do develop my Networking is to set up my own Website or maybe just a new Blog. These are key ways to keep people informed in what you are doing and just to help your career. Also attaching that to a CV can show people that you have other ways in getting in contact. Something else I would like to do is get some Business Cards printed. These are great little things, as if you are out and about and don’t have a CV on you, you can always just give them a card with your Email and Spotlight View pin on.

Without the different Networks we currently have in place I think all types of employment would be very hard.

This is a picture of some other Social Networking Sites...most of which I have never heard of!!

Saturday 12 November 2011

Task 2d: Inquiry

Here are my answers to the questions within the Handbook:

What in your Daily Practice gets you really enthusiastic to find out more about? Who do you admire, who also works with what makes you enthusiastic.

In my practice, I love learning about singing. There are so many different workshops with lots of different teachers who all have different techniques and ways of singing. Each persons voice if different, and therefore can be stretched and improved on differently. There is also so much to learn about the voice; how it moves, ways in which it tilts - creating different effects on the sound, what noises you can make, how you damage it and how you can repair it. I think there is always something new we can learn about the vocal folds.
One teacher who has helped me to explore this is Matthew Shaw. He is the head of Musical Theatre at London Studio Center and also taught us at Italia Conti. After a year of intensive 3 hour lessons once a week and another general class for 1 hour a week, he changed the way I thought about the voice and made me think about how I treated it in the past. Whenever I am learning a new song I always put into practice the different techniques he taught us (Twang, Belt, Sob, Tilt) and see if I prefer the sound before or after the added technique. Nine times out of ten, it is always positive and gives me outstanding results.

What gets you angry or makes you sad? Who do you admire who shares your feelings or has found a way to work around the sadness or anger?

One thing that really makes me angry in my profession is Untalented Celebrities. Just because they have a name and a face doesn’t mean that they have the talent to be the Lead in a show. When I have put so much time and effort into being the best performer I can be, seeing a celeb, who hasn’t had musical theatre training or any form of training, waltz right on to stage is really upsetting. For example, putting Amanda Holden in as the Original Fiona in ‘Shrek the Musical’ is just offensive. I didn’t personally go and see her performance as I didn’t want to waste my money, but fellow performers said she was clearly nervous and could hardly hold a tune. When she’s performing next to people such as “Landi Oshinowo” who played ‘Dragon,’ and is an absolutely stunning artist, it’s mind boggling why she even said yes to the part. One person I know feels the same is my singing teacher Angharad Sanders. She is one of the most talented singers I know, and yet has to watch people like Amanda and Kelly Osborn, who took the stage in 2010 in ‘Chicago’, take her place on the stage. We always have discussions on this, and I know that the only reason shows do it is because they need to sell the tickets. The general public don’t take an interest into Musical Theatre performers as they aren't Celebrities and are just drawn in to see how their favorite TV star looks on the stage.

What do you love about what you do? Who do you admire who also seems to love this or is an example of what you love?

It’s hard to explain what I love about what I do because really its just all I’ve ever cared about. I have always loved being in front of the camera or competing in singing contests or gymnastics because I guess I love the attention of being in the spotlight. It’s always really nerve racking when you take to the stage after a few months, but as soon as its finished it leaves you wanting more, the buzz you get from performing is something I don’t think anyone can explain as its different for everyone. I love the feeling of being so involved in your performance that you can’t even see the audience, all you feel is what your body is going though and the heat on your face.
Alfie Boe ( is a big inspiration to me. After seeing him at the 02 for the 25th Anniversary of Les Mislerables it was clear to see that he was so lost in the performance. His performance of ‘Bring Him Home’ was something I will never forget. The whole arena was captivated with him and what he was telling us. It brought me to tears, and I think overall we clapped his performance for about 5 minutes, which it was so worthy of.

What do you feel you don’t understand? Who do you admire who does seem to understand it or who has found a way of making not understanding it interesting or beautiful, or has asked the same question as you?

I don’t really understand this question. As performing arts is my life and career I don’t feel I don’t understand anything, and if I did, I wouldn't be very good at my chosen career. I know that we are always learning and can improve upon what we already know, but I feel, overall I have a basis on everything. This is in terms of acting, and the skills you have to use to be able to ground yourself and the different ways to improve upon performance and being able to take direction to change your original thoughts if a director would like you to grow. Within dance being able to mimic the teacher and produce the goods they want every time and to always be giving your best with both technique and performance. With singing to have a basis of techniques, a firm knowledge of shows, whose written what pieces and what the feelings are behind them in order to perform them properly. Overall within this profession to have a basis of directors, networking, tax, shows, other performers, auditioning and keeping up with current trends of the industry.
I know that if I don’t understand something within a class, I will always get this resolved but I don’t feel there is anything Major I don’t understand within this profession.

Task 2c : Reflective Theory

I found this task very very demanding.

I have never been very good at 'Essay' writing so this to me was a massive challenge to accomplish and took me a good few days to complete.

I created an essay plan which helped me to break down the reader and therefore understand what it said rather than getting overwhelmed by the amount of reading there is!!

I'm glad i've finally finished it, as I was starting to get quite stressed and didn't think I'd be able to finish in time!!

Don't feel you need to read it all, but any comments would be appreciated (:

Effie xx

Task 2c: Reflective Theory

Task 2b: Journal Writing Experience

Task 2b really opened my eyes on the different ways we can think about our past events. Most of the time I always just dismiss my feelings on an audition or a class but this really helped me to over come that.

Here is the link to my experiences.

Peace xx

Task 2b: Journal Writing Experience.

Friday 30 September 2011

Task 1b: Web 2.0

Before the Course Reader 1B, I have never heard of Web 2.0, which is weird, as I have been using sights using this Technology since I was about 11, like Bebo.

After reading more about Web 2.0 I started to get a very negative out look on it. It made me think about how children now will lie about their ages to access these websites (as my sister has done this at age 10), that all our personal information is so easily accessible to anyone and that we now feel its something we can't seem to live without, as the stats show in the Reader an incredible amount of people are on Facebook. I know that I am constantly checking my News Feed, do we need to be so nosey?

Also, things like letters, emails and phone calls, will the soon be illuminated because of Web 2.0. What will happen to our primal communication skills?

I feel Web 2.0 is making the new generation of kids less educated as they don't have to do as much thinking, soon we won't need our brains, all we'll need is a click of a finger.

Another big thing for me was that when the bombing in Germany happened a few months ago, the police found the guys Facebook account which helped them find his plans. For obvious reasons, this is a massive help, but for everyone else who is using it innocently, do we still have privacy?

In most cases Web 2.0 is very helpful as it does help us to interact with friends and relatives across the world, mostly for free. This information is also instantly accessible, making sure we don't have to wait for anything if it is an urgent matter. The fact that it does 'suggest' things you may 'like' keeps us up to date with new added context to the Web. There is a setting on my phone which communicates to me when someone has posted a comment, sent me a message or invited me to something, which is good as I can keep up to date with people.

In conclusion, I feel Web 2.0 has both its negatives and positives. I look forward to seeing how it progresses and where it will lead us in the future.

Sunday 25 September 2011


So, this weekend I had a letter from my Old College, saying that I owed them fee's. Sad times. 

But on a better note, I have now found a new house :D


Im sure the new space will inspire me to buy a desk to increase my learning!!

Hope everyone had a good weekend!!

Peace out x

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Task 1a: CV

Eithne Bryan

Height:    5”7”               

Eyes: Blue-Green
Playing Age: 16 - 25          

Hair: Brown

Weight: 9st 2
Vocal Range: G2 - C5, F4 Belt

Mobile: 07771748827


Training: 3 year Musical Theatre Diploma Graduate at 'Italia Conti Academy of Performing Arts'

Experience Includes

Dancer Cockney Tribute YD Promotions
Dancer James Bond YD Promotions 
Model Promotions Website Francis Cardoso
Amy Cinderella New Pantomime Prod.
Ensemble Jack and the Beanstalk New Pantomime Prod.

Credits While Training:

Dance Captain  -   Burlesque - Italia Conti’s Centenary Show  -  Hayley Newton -  New Wimbledon Theatre
Ensemble    -       West Side Story - Richard Peakman & Rachel Pressland-Joy - Italia Conti Avondale
Company/Dance Captain   -   Made 2 Move - Gregory Apostolidis            -        Italia Conti Avondale
Gabriella   -   High School Musical          -           Becky-Ann Camp        -          Lipson Community College

DIALECT: Devon (Native), General American, Australian, South Yorkshire
DANCE: Ballet (Point)*, Lyrical*, Contemporary*, Pas De Deux*, Jazz*, Tap, Modern,  Commercial, 
VOCAL: Soprano, High Belt 
SPORTS: Gymnastics (Tumbling, Partner Work), Cycling, Swimming, Tennis, Running, Archery
Additional: Full Clean Drivers License, British National Finalist, Grade 2 Acro Gymnast

Tuesday 20 September 2011


Yesterday I had my Orientation at Middlesex.

I absolutely loved the Campus and Rosemary was such a massive help to me Understanding what I am about to embark on as I missed the Induction day.

I'm really excited about this whole Project and can't wait to get started.

Peace x