Friday 3 February 2012

Task 4a - Developing Lines of Inquiry

Task 4a; Developing Lines of Inquiry.

In Task 2d I stated:

‘One thing that really makes me angry in my profession is Untalented Celebrities. Just because they have a name and a face doesn’t mean that they have the talent to be the Lead in a show. When I have put so much time and effort into being the best performer I can be, seeing a celeb, who hasn’t had musical theatre training or any form of training, walks right on to stage is really upsetting.’

Continuing on with this theme in terms of Inquiry, these are some of the questions I have asked my self within the performing profession;

1- Do we need qualifications to achieve the title of a professional performer?
2 - How can we maintain performance standards after training? Is it possible?
3 - How long should we pursue our dream?
4 - Is it easier for men to get jobs over women?
5 - Do we need an agent in order to gain paid work?
6 - How can we keep on top of money?

Here are my views;

1 - For me, this can go either way. In some instances I know of people who haven’t trained but have become hugely successful within performing such as Ramin Karimloo. Although he always had a love for performing (within rock bands) he didn’t train at a ‘Performing Arts College.’ Therefore although he has had many Lead roles such as ‘The Phantom’ in ‘The Phantom of the Opera’ could we say he is a Professional or just lucky? Many ‘Professional’ performers who have spent years and money upon training never make it in this industry. I know that as a newly graduated performer it is so hard for casting directors to even give you an audition let alone a job. One thing that does annoy me in ‘Celebrities.’ People who go on reality TV shows such as The Only way is Essex and Big Brother seem to be able to gain performing jobs at the click of a finger. I understand that it is better for the theatre if they do this, as it will make more money, but for people such as me who have trained their whole live in order to be able to perform it is just not fair.

2 - I believe with enough hard work we can maintain our own performance levels and improve upon them. Alothugh I have only had a few jobs since leaving college in 2011, I can say that I am still as slim, as supple and I still have the confidence to perform a song upon request for an audition.

3 - I don’t think you can put a time upon your career, if you believe in yourself and can be patient enough to wait for that one person to give you a chance then you should.

4 - I think it is easier to men to get jobs. As there are less guys that train and pursue performing, there is a smaller ratio for men to jobs, whereas with girls there is probably 3 times as meny people as there is jobs.

5 - I don’t think we need an agent in able to get paid work these days. There are so many networking sites such as DanceCast, CastingCallPro and StarNow which allow us to contact Casting Directors personally in order to gain auditions and potentially gain work. Unfortunately for all these sites there is a fee in order to submit your CV.

6 - Money is a very touchy subject in the industry. First we train, which cost my parents £36,000 for my 3 years at Italia Conti, let alone the 13 years I did before attending that college. Now I have left I have to pay for my Spotlight £184, Casting Call Pro £22 a month, my travel £35 a week, my rent £400 a month, bills, clothes, food and things such as hair and makeup products to keep up my looks for auditions. Even after gaining a job there is insurance, equity and if you have one, an agent to pay. I get the best buzz from performing but when you break it down and think about how to survive in these ever increasing doesn't look too good for our careers.


  1. Hi Eithne,

    I too graduated from college this year (Bird College)and these questions are ones that I, along with the majority of people I know in our position; frequently ask myself.

    I completely share your frustration at the constant stream of celebrities gaining performing jobs purely based on their status. I have no problem if the celebrities or well-known faces are genuinely talented, but when they're nothing more than average and difficult to work with (as I have heard about some celebrities from friends who have worked with them), it is so annoying when you know there are hundreds of other people out there; who have more often than not worked a hell of a lot harder who could play those roles a lot better!

    I feel the financial aspect and the length of time you continue to pursue your career in this buissness is a catch-twenty two situation. Whilst you are frequently auditioning or need to be available at the drop of a hat to attend an audition it is impossible to hold down a full time or even part time jobs with FIXED hours. And the jobs that are more likely to be flexible (waitressing, bar work, etc...) tend to quite low paid. My friends living in London and paying rent who are trying to hold down jobs along side auditioning and frequently faced with the dilemma of working and missing an audition or going to the audition and risk losing there job?!?! Therefore I think along with the determination and passion you obviously need to have I think it depends on whether you can cope financially in order to carry on auditioning for work or not.

    I relate to all the questions you posed and have similar views!

    It's given me ideas to consider when planning my own inquiry!


  2. Hi Lizzie,

    thank you so much for your reply.

    At the moment I am in the process of gaining a job at Harrods, which is shift work so fairly flexible. Am hoping this will solve all of my money problems.

    Did you go to the Cats audition at Pineapple yesterday?


  3. Hey Eithne,

    For my inquiry, I am looking into auditions and some of the questions you are asking, such as...

    1- Do we need qualifications to achieve the title of a professional performer?
    3 - How long should we pursue our dream?
    4 - Is it easier for men to get jobs over women?
    5 - Do we need an agent in order to gain paid work?

    These are questions that when auditioning you ask yourself. I feel that we could be in the same SIG group as i would love to hear more on your views and what we can do to get jobs etc.

  4. Hi Jacob, sounds like a great Idea. I've really been looking into my audition technique at the moment and how I don't seem to get jobs over other girls that do. Let me know about your SIG group xx

  5. Heres the SIG, join if your interested...
